Critical approaches to digital health and leisure in older age

Twitter hashtag: #esrcAgePA


This seminar will explore critical perspectives of the increasing use of digital health and leisure technologies in older age. Digital health technologies are now a core mechanism through which people manage their health. These include a broad range of digital devices, software and platforms not only providing health information but also capacities for users to self-track, monitor and regulate their bodies and behaviours and share data with others. The rising appeal of digital health solutions to influence individual behaviours has rationalised their integration into health care as a means towards more effect and efficient structures and systems. The growth of the digital health market also means they have become increasingly popular as a way for people to engage in leisure and health activities. This seminar will focus on critical perspectives of this turn to the digital, exploring important issues for policy and practice surrounding the inequalities of opportunity and engagement, ethical issues (e.g. surveillance) and users experiences.

The seminar is free to attend. A limited number of travel bursaries are available to PhD students and Early Career Researchers. Please contact the event organiser for further information.


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A University of Exeter Medical School
AB European Centre for Environment & Human Health
AC University of Bath
Birmingham City Council

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